OneMaker is Supporting Children

One of the most exciting times is when we get updates from each of the sponsored children. This is when we hear news of what happened during the year. We see the progress of each child and get a new picture. Usually they change a lot  and it is amazing to see what one year can do.
OneMaker is supporting 28 children. Most of them are girls from very poor families with no chances to get a different life unless going to English School.
Learning English is opening doors for a better job, better future not just for them but for the whole family.
One of the girls that is supported is Reshma. She is 10 years old and living with her mother and her older sister. Reshma is sponsored to go to school. However during the past two years she lost eyesight on one of her eyes and she needed medical treatment for the other eye. Her mom used almost all of her savings for medical treatment. This poor family can use all the help they can get. 
Reshma has a tender heart and loves Jesus. She is so thankful for an education in an English School.

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